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v to z

va1 v.t scold
vá2 v.t butcher, break into
parts (e.g. kola-nut)
ve v.t bargain
vẹ1 v.t disperse (of a
vé2 prep. with
vẹn3 (gunu) v.t bend
vẹrhe adv. before
vie v.t suck
viẹ v.i cry
vo v.t draw (e.g. water out
of well)
vó int. which
vu v.t uproot
vué v.t tell
vughe v.t know/recognise
vuvwu v.t roast
vrẹ v.i rise

VW vw
vwá1 v.t revoke
vwa2 int. word that relates
to the state of a person or thing
vware v.t wrap
vwarié v.t repeat
vwarhe v.i struggle
vwavware a. red
vwavwarhe (ghéghé) a. light
vwavwe v.t weigh
vwerhẹ v.i sleep
vwevwerhe a. delicious
vwẹ1 (mẹ) pron. me
vwé2 prep. within, in
vwẹghẹvwẹghẹ id. flat
vwẹre a. fast
vwi v.t stone
vwié1 v.t deceive
vwiẹ2 v.t born
vwiọvwiọ id. straight
vwirhi v.t break (with hands)
vwiyẹ prep. into
vwó1 (vwó) v.t use
vwọ2 v.t assist a person in
lifting a load to the head
vwọvwe v.t disgrace
vwu v.i swell
vwre v.t turn (somebody/
something) over
vwrẹ v.t cut (with hands)
vwro v.t argue
vwru v.i survive

wá1 (vwán) pron. you (coll.)
wá2 (vwán) pron. you (obj.)
wa3 v.i pass (examination)
wavrẹ v.t outstrip, overtake,
weke id. word describing
the vastness of an injury
wene v.t change, transfer
wéruo exp. please continue
with your meal (coll.)
wẹ1 (wọ) pron. you (sing.)
wẹ2 pron. you (obj) (sing.)
wén3 poss.a. you (sing.)
wẹn4 v.i breath
wẹnẹ v.t exchange words
wia v.t work
wo1 v.t descend
wo2 v.t put down (of load
carried by a person)

yá1 v.t catch
yan2 v.i walk/move
yanra (ra) (kpo) v.i go
yanrhe (mọ) (rhe) v.i come
yárá a. bitter
yavwe v.t circumcise
yáyá a. dry
Yéghwérẹ exp. safe journey!
yena dem. that/those
yeri v.t climb
yerobuwevwi exp. greet all at
yẹghrẹ v.i struggle for
yéré (éyé) conj. or
yoma v.i boast
yono v.t learn, study
yoyovwi (yovwi) adv. fine, well
yọre v.t hold

ze v.t offer, sacrifice
zighizighi1 id. rough
zighizighi2 adv. roughly

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